10 Points On Street Photography I’d Like To Share Before The Course Restarts In February
10 Punti Sulla Street Photography Che Vorrei Condividere, Prima Che Riparta Il Corso A Febbraio.
It can hold historical and documentary value. It can have a painterly, purely aesthetic approach. It can tell a story or be the foundation of photojournalism. The possibilities are endless. Find your own path, the one that best represents you at that moment. There’s no single definition, nor a clear boundary.
Può avere valore storico e documentario. Può avere un approccio pittorico e puramente estetico. Può essere uno storytelling o essere la base del fotogiornalismo. Le possibilità sono infinite. Trovate la vostra via, quella che vi rappresenta di più in quel momento. Non esiste una definizione univoca, ne un confine ben delimitato.
Whatever your approach may be, one of the most wonderful things about photography is this. The infinite intersection of elements that you can suggest through things that are completely disconnected from each other in reality. And with these suggestions, you will create new ideas, associations, and meanings in the viewer
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